Advantages of automation for oyster farming

The advantages of automation have become crystal clear over a broad range of industries. Regardless of size and scale, most commercial enterprises utilise some form of automation.

In recent years, farming operations, including oyster farms, have seen the advantages of investing in automation and are reaping the benefits.

The enhanced efficiency of automating manual tasks such as oyster grading is a key factor in oyster farmers transitioning their operations to an automated oyster grading system. Much faster completion of a mundane task, which a single person can do with significantly reduced errors, sees an alleviation of labour costs and an improvement in the farmgate quality and consistency.

oysters in a grader

Set up for scale and productivity

As the oyster farm grows, so does its need to scale its processing. Automation solves this problem. The farm can handle increased production and workloads without significant adjustments by automating the oyster grading process.

The SED Graders vision grader can grade from 14,400 to 28,800 oysters per hour. That is the equivalent of 13 hand graders, who the farmer can now redirect to other critical areas of the oyster farm.

The vision grader is a single-handled process that grades, sorts and bags the oysters, reducing costly downtime and mitigating time loss due to injury.

Improved product consistency and reputational value

By automating the oyster grading process, oyster farms are experiencing enhanced product consistency by executing the grading tasks precisely and eliminating human error. This ensures that every product adheres to the same high-quality standards, bolstering reliability and customer trust.

Consistent products reinforce a positive reputation, as customers recognise and value reliability.

When businesses use automation to consistently deliver high-quality products, their reputation for quality grows, leading to customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Ultimately, combining automation-driven product consistency and enhanced reputational value contributes to long-term success and a competitive advantage in the market.

Custom designed for your farm

The team at SED Graders will custom design a vision oyster grader to your specifications. We deliver our automation technology nationally and internationally and have various production equipment to support your grading needs. Our vision oyster grader is one of the most successful on the market.

Our 20 years of working collaboratively with the oyster farming industry have driven the technology to meet the demands of large-scale operators through to small holdings that require a solution to high wage costs and the issue of staff shortages.

A man supervising the oyster machine operator

SED Graders Australian and family owned

SED Graders is an Australian and family-owned company. We provide worldwide after-sales support and fully train you to use and optimise the vision grader for maximum output.

Contact us for any questions, and when your farm is considering a SED Graders oyster grading machine or upgrading your current machine, we can advise the perfect solution tailored to your needs.


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