Fast and accurate oyster grading

Workers in the oyster factory

Fast and accurate oyster grading is essential for oyster farmers to remain profitable and maximise returns on each harvest. Automation of the grading process streamlines oyster farm operations, increases productivity, substantially reduces labour costs and improves farm gate consistency. With the ability to swiftly and precisely grade oysters, SED Graders’ vision grader eliminates the laborious and time-consuming task of manually grading and bagging oysters.

At SED Graders, the numbers speak for themselves. Our oyster graders can boost productivity by an impressive 400%, offering gentle handling that lowers mortality rates and minimises product damage compared to traditional hand grading methods.

Bin machine for oysters

SED Graders' vision grader - fast, accurate and gentle

Globally recognised as the premier manufacturer of oyster grading automation machines, the SED Graders Vision Grader combines speed, accuracy and gentle handling to accomplish a workload equivalent to that of 13 manual graders. That’s an average of four to eight full-grown oysters processed per second, or around 14,400-28,800 oysters per hour. In just a couple of hours, a single operator can now complete what previously required more than a dozen manual graders working all day.

Using advanced vision technology and cushioned air, which is scientifically proven to be significantly gentler than hand-sorting, the SED Graders Vision Grader automates the separation, cleaning, measurement, sorting, counting and bagging of oysters with an accuracy rate of 99%, giving you supreme confidence in the quality of your product.

Quality equipment customised, shipped and commissioned worldwide

The problem solvers and innovative engineers at SED Graders have worked closely with the oyster farming industry for over two decades to design, manufacture and commission automated oyster grading systems that deliver significant benefits without compromising the quality of the oyster.

The Vision Grader is a robust and reliable grading solution constructed from stainless steel to endure even the harshest oyster farm environments.

And while the technology is advanced, the operation is simple. We fully customise each grader to match the production requirements of the individual farm and offer the flexibility to select from four, six or eight-grade exits and adjust the size and number of bags.

Our extensive range of production-enhancing ancillary equipment, including our Water Grader, our oyster farming basket system and more, offers exceptional versatility and seamless integration.

We are global leaders in automatic oyster grading, always available to support you through purchase, installation, commission, operator training and ongoing service to your oyster grading equipment – no matter where you are in the world.

A man supervising the oyster machine operator

SED Graders - Australian and family owned

SED Graders is an Australian and family-owned company. We provide worldwide after-sales support and fully train you to use and optimise the vision grader for maximum output.

Contact us for any questions, and when your farm is considering a SED Graders oyster grading machine or upgrading your current machine, we can advise the perfect solution tailored to your needs.


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