Remote installation of oyster grading equipment

At SED Graders, we don’t just sell oyster grading equipment… we sell a product that is designed to last. And along with that comes a full installation service with ongoing support and maintenance.

So, what do you do when you have a machine heading to the United States… and then a global pandemic hits and interstate travel is off the cards, let alone travel overseas?

You think outside the box to deliver what you have promised.

Tipper washer conveyor

Unique times call for unique solutions

At SED Graders, we’re proud that our Tasmanian-made oyster grading machines are used on oyster farms around the world. You’ll find our equipment in the USA, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, Japan… and, of course, Australia.

No matter where the machine is heading, we would usually send one of our service technicians to set the new machine in place, wire it together and teach the oyster farmer about running and maintaining the equipment.

In the midst of a travel ban, that simply isn’t possible… so we have come up with a unique solution to ensure we can provide the same level of service that our customers have come to expect from SED Graders.

Those oysters aren’t going to wait for the pandemic to be over!

Grading Machine

Remote installation isn’t new to us

Remote servicing and support is nothing new to us. For any of our farmers who use our grading machines and equipment, we already offer remote maintenance and servicing. And we’re proud to have a 100% strike rate in solving problems from afar!

SED Graders Production Manager, Rob Deed, explains our remote support service:

“When a farmer buys a machine from us, it’s a long-term relationship because that machine will last for many many years. We are always available to deal with issues over the phone or email… not that it happens a lot, because our machines really are built to last.”

The SED Graders answer

The SED Graders answer

Installation of oyster grading equipment is simple… if you know what you’re doing. So we have developed a remote installation package that will accompany our equipment when we simply can’t.

To support farmers managing the setup for their machine, we have produced:

  • A written manual with detailed instructions for setting up the machine and getting it running
  • Video tutorials for more complex components
  • Live video support over TeamViewer to diagnose any issues with the setup

Rob and his team are confident in their remote installation solution:

“We work with these machines every day so we know them inside and out. We’ve taken all of our knowledge of the machines, the ins and outs of how they work and pulled it together so the setup can still happen smoothly.

We’ve covered everything from ensuring the singulator is set to the right height… fine-tuning the pressure and length of the air pulse that pushes the oyster off the belt… and adjusting the camera to view the oysters coming off the belt.”

The future of our remote installation

It’s safe to say, we’ve left no stone unturned with our remote installation plan.

Farmers can always get in touch with us with any issues they have with their oyster grading equipment… and installation is no different. Whether remote or on-site, we will always be there to ensure you get the most from your oyster graders.

Are you ready to make every oyster count? Find out more about our productivity-boosting oyster graders and equipment. Contact the team at SED Graders today.


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