Our oyster grading process sets farms up for success

Oyster Machine

Upgrading machinery or introducing automation to your farming operation is always a big decision.

Many of our customers have come to us looking for solutions to better manage their farms by reducing costs, speeding up labour-intensive tasks and finding ways to make their farms more profitable and sustainable.

Over the past 20 years, we have used these questions to develop an oyster grading process that tailors solutions to the individual, not a one-size-fits-all approach.

Why automate?

There are several reasons why an oyster farm will automate its grading functions:

  • Improving cost-effectiveness
  • Reducing labour intensive tasks
  • Reducing mortality rates
  • Improving efficiencies
  • Improving productivity
  • Improving consistency
  • Improve workplace health and safety
  • Treating overcatch

At SED Graders, we have designed and engineered automation  oyster grading machines that tick all the boxes. For over 20 years we have collaborated with oyster farms of all sizes. Through conversation and experimentation, our team has engineered solutions that have enabled farms to find solutions to any number of problems. Our expertise and well-executed process see our customers maintain their farms’ financial stability and grow with confidence.

Turnkey Solution concept on the gearwheels

The SED Graders process

SED Graders employs a five-step process when discussing an automation solution for your farm. Our experience has taught us that no two oyster farms are the same. Each customer has a unique set of circumstances and ambitions, so it is essential to consider the farm’s size, budget and future expectations when designing any automation solutions.

For example, some oyster https://sedgraders3.wpenginepowered.com/vision-oyster-grader-machine/farms have a limited water supply but would like to be able to wash their oysters for market. SED Graders can supply water recycle systems for its range of oyster washers.

Or some farms have space restrictions, which can be resolved with flexible equipment layouts.

Step One: Discovery
Our first step is to understand your farm: its size, processing facility, logistics, capacity and your expectations of growth. Our experienced team listens, answers questions and provides information to help pinpoint the exact requirements that will benefit your farm now and into the future.

Step Two: Design
Our team will design automated grading and equipment systems tailored to your operation. We customise each section to the way you process your oysters. We provide design specifications and layout drawings illustrating how the system can fit into your current facility. Your input and revisions are implemented prior to production and then we keep you fully informed about the progress.

Step Three: Production
Our team builds and tests the machinery and equipment at our production facility in Tasmania, Australia. We use only the highest quality materials, components and state-of-the-art technologies when building any new automation machinery. Our work is fully guaranteed and compliant with all federal, state and territory health and safety laws.

Step Four: Commission and train
Once the equipment arrives at your site, one of our technicians can provide commissioning and training for your team members as well as manuals and extra training videos for revision or new employees if needed.

Step Five: Ongoing support
We can connect to the oyster Vision Graders using “Team Viewer” to provide technical support and ongoing training. With a 100% success rate in resolving issues for our customers in Australia and overseas, you can expect your investment will be working at full capacity into the future. Our workshop stocks a full range of parts and our machines are designed with the user in mind. In Australia, many farms are located in very remote locations, so SED Graders’ equipment has been designed to be as easily maintained as possible. Even 20-year-old machines are still in service!

Employee sitting on his chair in the office

When you are ready to discuss an automation option, speak to our team first

When your operation needs to automate or upgrade, speak to our team first. Get all the answers, experience and professional advice from the leaders in the oyster grading automation market. With a focus on service, honesty and innovation, it’s no surprise that referrals are our largest source of customer leads.

We design and build automation solutions for any oyster farm anywhere in the world. With successful installations in Japan, Canada, Mexico, the United States, Europe and New Zealand, as well as at home in Australia, we have the capacity, the know-how and the expertise to provide the most comprehensive and tailored oyster grading solution that fits your farm’s size and budget.

A man supervising the oyster machine operator

SED Graders Australian and family owned

SED Graders is an Australian, family owned company, creating automation technologies that are greatly improving the efficiency and profitability of oyster farms in Australia and around the world.

Contact us for any questions you may have and when you are considering a SED Graders vision grading machine or upgrading your current machine with an overcatch treatment bath.


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